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If you are innovative, you believe you think out of the box, looking for a work environment which allows you to unleash your potentials and achieve your goals, Mothika Entities welcomes you to be part of our energetic team

Mothika does not provide you just a job opportunity, but allows you to define your career path, to accomplish your dreams. We provide you with conducive work environment, an opportunity to learn and grow along with us, unleash your talents, expand your horizons and raise your expertise to next higher levels

Not just a career in Information technology, we support career growth in other domains as well

If you are good in vendor management, are a manufacturer of made in India products, we welcome you onboard to join hands with our IAMSWADESHI team, an ecommerce team for handling Made in India products

If you are an Agro product manufacturer, we are here to support you to get best worth of your agro yield

Write to us at, and let’s get started